Why the Zodiac?


If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have noticed that a lot of my work is guided by the zodiac wheel of the year and you may be wondering why I navigate my life in this way instead of focusing on my own sign(s). I haven’t always led my life like this, my sense of the year used to be much more in line with our standard months but the more I began to study and learn about astrology and the zodiac, the more I noticed that on a subconscious level, I had already unknowingly been tapping into this organic energetic flow.

I first noticed it a couple years ago about a week before Labor Day, when I had an overwhelming, almost giddy feeling sweep over me that absolutely insisted that I organize my entire life. That week I deep cleaned my entire apartment, reorganized my kitchen for maximum efficiency, updated my resume and LinkedIn profile, re-stocked my supplies of essentials like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, razors, etc., and even color coded my closet! My level of productivity  and organization that week was at an all-time high which seemed so unlikely given that I had just had an epic summer full of adventures, I had expected this time to be spent resting but I felt more motivated than ever. It was then that I realized that we had just crossed over into Virgo season! Of course! For those who are unfamiliar with the characteristics of Virgo, she is personified as The Maiden, the ultimate Earth mother, she is kind, practical, logical, critical, insightful, organized and responsible and her season starts on August 23rd.

The discovery of this led to the epiphany that in fact, every year, at this time of year, I am overcome by what I now refer to as the “back-to-school feeling” where all of a sudden you have a visceral need to regroup and re-establish your emotional, spiritual and physical infrastructure in order to move forward on solid foundations. This direct correlation between the current zodiac sign and the energies I was feeling was now undeniable and made me realize that the energies of the zodiac are ever-present whether we realize it or not. I then began to retroactively observe my life and realized that indeed during Capricorn season, which is the season during which New Year’s happens, I am always overcome by urges of wanting to get my sh*t together and plan and route the year to come. Similarly, after Capricorn season comes Aquarius, a season in which I always find myself bursting with creativity and new ideas which is such a contrast after the pragmatism that Capricorn season brings that it’s impossible not to notice. I subsequently noticed that during the end of May and beginning of June, I’ve always felt very excitable, sociable and driven towards community and curiosity and that is exactly when Gemini season happens; and so forth.  

The power of this realization was profound and motivated me to use and communicate this knowledge in hopes of it helping to guide us all through the perennial cyclic energies we experience every year with much more grace, acceptance and welcoming. Thus, rather than aligning with the conventional months, my current path of following the wheel of the zodiac was revealed to me. I’ve since been on a relentless mission to study and find every zodiac signs correspondences in the forms of colors, crystals, flowers, herbs, music, fabrics, etc. in order to use them as additional tools to welcome each seasons energies, and effectively and cohesively integrate them into my lifestyle. *But of course, fashion alchemy is my preferred medium with which to actively align myself with the energies and characteristics of each zodiac sign since it’s something we actively engage in every single day.* I’ve since also come to develop intimate relationships with each sign and now clearly see the beauty, depth and uniqueness of each and I cherish the newfound appreciation I have for each sign and their subsequent population.

Life has seemed to flow more smoothly since making this transition and has helped me become much more present in both day-to-day life as well as within the bigger picture. Allowing my life to be guided by the cosmos in this way has been a powerful and rewarding experience and I now know that one of my divine purposes is to use my Venusian-given sense of style to help guide people through these energetic shifts through the tangible power of fashion. To keep up with each seasons shifts check out my monthly zodiac aesthetic blog posts. Our current season of Geminis blog post is here.





Sex and the City Ladies as Elements